Scientific Name: Schisandra chinensis
Other Names: Gomishi, Omicha, Schisandra, Wu-Wei-Zu
Parts Used: Berry, Seed
Preparation & Dosage:
Herbal Actions: Adaptogen (Calming), Anti-asthmatic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Astringent, Expectorant, Hepatoprotective, Immune Amphoteric, Immunomodulator, Nervine, Tonic
Uses: Allergies, Anxiety, Asthma, Autoimmune Hepatitis & other Hypo/Hyper Conditions, Bad Dreams, Cancer, CFIDS, Connective Tissue Diseases, COPD, Diarrhea, Excessive Vaginal Discharge, Eye Problems, Frequent Urination, HIV/AIDS, Insomnia, Kidney Disorders, Liver Disorders, Lung Disorders, Menopause, Premature Ejaculation, to Prevent Liver Damage, Reproductive Health, Stress
Contraindications: Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. May interact with other medications (especially those processed by the liver). May increase the effects of barbiturates. In Chinese medicine, tonic remedies should not be taken by people with acute viral or bacterial infections such as colds, influenza, bronchitis, and pneumonia.