Scientific Name: Symphytum officinale
Other Names: Blackwort, Bruisewort, Gum Plant, Healing Herb, Knitback, Knitbone, Salsify, Slippery Root, Wallwort
Parts Used: Leaf, Rhizome, Root
Preparation & Dosage:
Herbal Actions: Anodyne, Anti-inflammatory, Astringent, Demulcent, Emollient, Expectorant, Hemostatic, Refrigerant, Vulnerary
Uses: Bleeding Gums, Broken Bones, Bruises, Inflammation of Pulled Tendons, Insect Bites, Soft Tissue Injuries, Sprains, Sores, Strains, Ulcers (of the Bowel, Stomach, Liver & Gallbladder), Varicose Veins, Wounds
Contraindications: Do not take internally. Do not use if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not give to young children. Limit external application of mature leaves to intact skin to 10 days.
Comfrey photo by Jolene Cooper Comfrey photo by Laura East Comfrey photo by Laura East